Guest speakers
We are extremely grateful to the following people who kindly volunteered their time to share their professional experience and knowledge at Murdered Abroad’s peer support meetings.
Dr Fiona Wilcox, Coroner (2011)
Anne Harrison, SOCA (Serious and Organised Crime Agency) (2012)
Priti Patel MP (2013)
Charles Hay, Director of Consular Services, FCO (2013)
James Brokenshire MP (2013)
Det Supt Andrew John, Dyfed-Powys Police (2014)
Stuart Cundy, Metropolitan Police (2017)
DS Mick Confrey, Greater Manchester Police (2012)
Alan Penny, ASSIST Trauma Care (2012)
Baroness Newlove, Victims’ Commissioner (2014)
Dr Sara Shankar, Clinical Psychologist (2017)
Dr Sallyanne Duncan, Senior Lecturer in Journalism, University of Strathclyde & Co-Author: Reporting Bad News: Negotiating the Boundaries Between Intrusion & Fair Representation in Media Coverage of Death (2018)
Hannah Bardell MP (2019)
Dr David Trickey, Clinical Psychologist (2014)
Kathleen O’Hara, Author: A Grief Like No Other (2015)
Tony Blockley, Ex-SIO (2016)
Georgie Vestey, Endurance Campaigning Strategist (2015, 2016)
Tim Elliston, The Happy Starfish (2016)
Simon Hare, Producer/Reporter (2017)
Sophie Scragg, Senior Outreach Officer, Houses of Parliament (2017)
Sam Elmes, Head of the Murder & Manslaughter Team, FCO (2018)
Alan Penny, ASSIST Trauma Care (2018)
Tony Rafter, Head of Homicide & Major Crime Incident Policy and Commissioning, Ministry of Justice (2019)
Liam Brolan, Lecturer in Criminology and Course Leader, Birmingham City University (2019)
DCI Mark O’Shea, Strategic Lead for Family Liaison, South Wales Police (2018)
DC Melanie Deeres, Family Liaison Co-ordinator, South Wales Police (2018)
DCI Chris Hanson (2019)
Retd DCS Bernie Kinsella (2019)
Nalini Sadai, Head of the Murder & Manslaughter Team, FCDO (2020)
Dame Vera Baird, Victims’ Commissioner (2020)
Stephen Regel, Trauma therapist and Hon. Professor of the University of Nottingham (2021).